less than 1 minute read

Dr Holly Kirk officially joins us today. Holly has been with us as a research associate since 2024, but is now moving her ARC Industry Fellowship to Curtin. She officially starts with Curtin today (straddling two schools: Molecular and Life Sciences, and Design and Built Environment), and PBG is delighted to host her.

Holly is an ecologist by training and an urban ecologist by vocation. She brings a wealth of experience with avian ecology and with urban ecology. She surfs the interface between ecology and urban planning/design, and in the coming years will be running several research and engagement projects across this interface. There is a strong overlap between Holly’s research in urban ecological connectivity and PBG’s interests in invasive species and their dispersal. We look to develop new projects that address these shared interests.

And in the meantime, we’re just delighted to have her on board. Welcome Holly!

Dr Holly Kirk’s ARC fellowship develops new tools to support urban planning for biodiversity.


