All quiet on the western front
The toad invasion front is now 150km from Broome.
Tim Dempster and myself just returned from a quick trip up north to firm up the location of the cane toad invasion front. Clare Forward at DBCA has been doing an admirable job keeping an eye on this, but there were a few gaps and given the massive wet season just passed we thought it a good idea to head up there and do a bit of careful checking.
The good news is that the invasion front is about where we would expect it to be. Toads haven’t made a great leap forward on the back of the floods in the mighty Fitzroy river. The closest toads we found to the proposed toad containment zone were at Nerrima Creek, on Myroodah station.
We also took the opportunity while up there to catch up with the good folks at DBCA and Nyangumarta Warrarn and Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporations.