PBG Team Writing Retreat
In late July, the Population Biology and Genomics team (Ben, Brenton, Haylee, Judy, Andy, John, Marta, and Holly) embarked on our first Writing Retreat! The Writing Retreat was the first time that the whole group had been together – with Andy being based in Darwin, and Marta having just commenced her PhD – so it was a great opportunity for our team to get to know each other better. We spent four days/three nights together in the beautiful town on Margaret River, a 3.5 hour drive south of Perth. The Writing Retreat was a great combination of productive writing and fun. We spent most of our days out on the deck of the accommodation writing, while looking out over the forest and listening to the birds. Brenton ran a few ‘pomodoro’ writing sessions to keep us focussed, which we all found beneficial. We also took the opportunity to have some fun – we went bird watching, explored Mammoth Cave, visited the coast, hunted for orchids, looked for frogs, and play some games.